Fl Studio Step Editing Mode 3,6/5 8363 reviews
1. File Operations
Ctrl+OOpen file
Ctrl+SSave file
Ctrl+NSave new version
Ctrl+Shift+SSave as..
Ctrl+RExport wave file
Ctrl+Shift+RExport MP3 file
Ctrl+Shift+MExport MIDI file
Alt+0.9Open recent files 0.9
Ctrl+FBrowser smart find..

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2. Pattern Selector
NumPad1.9Select patterns 1.9
NumPad+Next pattern
NumPad-Previous pattern
Arrow RightNext pattern
Arrow LeftPrevious pattern
F4Next empty pattern

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3. Channel Window & Step Sequencer
0.9Mute/Unmute first 10 channels
Ctrl+0.9Solo/Unsolo first 10 channels
Arrow UpSelect previous channel
Arrow DownNext channel
Alt+GGroup selected channels
Alt+ZZip selected channels
Alt+UUnzip selected channels
Shift+Arrow UpMove selected channels up
Shift+Arrow DownMove selected channels down
PgUpNext channel group
PgDnPrevious channel group
Ctrl+CCopy channel steps/score
Ctrl+VPaste channel steps/score
Ctrl+XCut channel steps/score
Alt+DeleteDelete selected channels
Ctrl+Shift+CClone channels
Shift+Arrow LeftShift steps left
Shift+Arrow RightShift steps right
Alt+PSend to Piano Roll
KShow Keyboard Editor
GShow Graph Editor
Ctrl+Alt+RChannels - Restretch all

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4. Record / Playback / Transport
BackspaceToggle line/none snap
SpaceStart/Stop playback
Ctrl+SpaceStart/Pause playback
LSwitch Pattern/Song mode
RSwitch on/off recording (this also works during playback)
NumPad0 (zero)Fast forward
NumPad/Previous bar (Song mode)
Ctrl+NumPad/Jump 4 bars back (Song mode)
NumPad*Next bar (Song mode)
Ctrl+NumPad*Jump 4 bars forward (Song mode)
Ctrl+EToggle Step Edit mode
Ctrl+HStop sound (panic)
Ctrl+TToggle typing keypad to piano keypad
Ctrl+BToggle blend notes
Ctrl+MToggle metronome
Ctrl+PToggle recording metronome precount
Ctrl+IToggle wait for input to start recording

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But them seem to say that you can do this by either recording or selecting step editing. Now, selecting step editing DOES record my keyboard.

5. Window Navigation
TabCycle nested windows
Ctrl+F8Open Plugin Picker
Ctrl+Alt+F8Open Project Picker
Shift+F8Plugin database
EnterToggle max/min Playlist
EscCloses a window
F5Toggle Playlist
F6Toggle Step Sequencer
F7Toggle Piano Roll
F8Show/hide Sample Browser
F9Show/hide Mixer
F10Show/hide MIDI settings
F11Show/hide song info window
F12Close all windows
Ctrl+F12Close all unfocused windows
Shift+F12Align all channel editors (since program version 11.5.8)
Ctrl+Shift+HArrange windows - Realign

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6. Mixer
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove selected mixer track left/right
Alt+LSelect the channels linked to the selected mixer track
Ctrl+LLink selected channels to selected mixer track
Ctrl+Shift+LLink selected channels starting from selected mixer track
F2Rename selected mixer track
SSolo current track
Alt+SAlt solo - activate current track and all tracks routed to/from it
Alt+RRender armed tracks to .wav

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7. Playlist Action
BPaint tool
CSlice tool
DDelete tool
ESelect tool
PPencil tool
SSlip edit tool
TMute tool
YPlayback tool
ZZoom tool
AltBypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)
Alt+GUngroup selection
Alt+POpen the Piano Roll or channel depending on what's selected in the Playlist
Alt+TAdd time marker
Alt+NumPad*//Jump to next/previous song marker (if present)
Ctrl+Alt+NumPad*//Jump to next/previous song marker (if present) and select until next song marker (if present) or until song end
Alt+Right ClickAudition the clip selected
Alt+Right ShiftEngage snap free 'Slice Mode', release Alt after clicking on the clip to use snapping
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+BDuplicate selection (or all clips in zoom range if nothing is selected) to the right
Ctrl+CCopy selection
Ctrl+DDeselect selection
Ctrl+PToggle Performance mode
Ctrl+TAdd time marker
Ctrl+VPaste selection
Ctrl+XCut selection
Ctrl+Alt+GGrid color
Ctrl+Alt+HomeToggle resizing from left
Ctrl+InsertAdd space at the start of the timeline selection of equal length to the selection
Ctrl+DeleteDelete space according to the timeline selection
Ctrl+EnterSelect time around selection
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightSelect time before/after selection equal to the selection length
Ctrl+Left ClickSelect
Ctrl+Shift+Left ClickAdd to selection
Ctrl+Shift+Right ClickZoom to selected clip
Ctrl+Right ClickZoom on selection / Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)
DeleteDelete selected clip/pattern source data
Double Left Click (on clip/pattern)Open clip/pattern properties (e.g. Channel Settings, Piano Roll)
HomeMove the playback marker to the start of the Playlist
InsertSlice clip at mouse cursor position
Left Shift+Left Click (on Playlist)Add and resize clip/pattern (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize) (must be in pencil mode)
Left Shift+Right ClickPan view
Middle Mouse ButtonPan view (hold & drag left/right)
PgUp/PgDnZoom in / Zoom out
Pencil tool + ShiftSwap to Brush
Right ClickDelete selected clip/pattern
Right Shift+Left ClickSlice clip/pattern (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical)
Right Alt+Right Shift+Left ClickVertical slice clip (release Alt to engage snap)
Right Shift+Right ClickSlice clip/pattern & delete smallest part (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical)
Right Alt+Right ClickQuantize selected
Right Alt+Left ClickMute selected
ShiftTemporarily swaps between Paint & Draw modes
Shift+CSelect all clips according to the currently selected clip source
Shift+GGroup selected clips
Shift+IInvert selection
Shift+QQuick quantize clip start times
Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove selection left/right
Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove selection up/down
Shift+Left Click (on clip/pattern)Clone (drag while holding clip/pattern)
Shift+Mouse Wheel (on clips)Nudge clip position
Shift+Mouse Wheel (on track label area)Reorder clip tracks
Shift+0 (zero)Center Playlist to playhead position
Shift+1.3Horizontal zoom levels 1 (zoom out) to 3 (zoom in)
Shift+4Horizontal zoom, show all
Shift+5Zoom to selection
Shift+6Fit Performance Zone to Playlist

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8. Piano Roll Action
Note: Some keyboard modifiers apply only to Draw mode
BPaint tool
CSlice tool
DDelete tool
ESelect tool
FShow next property in the Piano Roll event lane (lower section)
MToggle Keyboard view mode
OToggle Portamento
PPencil tool
TMute tool
YPlayback tool
ZZoom tool
AltBypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)
Alt+BView note helpers
Alt+CChange color of selected notes (to selected color group)
Alt+ERiff machine
Alt+GUngroup selected notes
Alt+KOpen Limit tool
Alt+LOpen Articulate tool
Alt+NSwitch waveform helper view (when available)
Alt+OOpen LFO tool when in lower Event Editor area
Alt+ROpen Randomize tool
Alt+SOpen Strum tool
Alt+UOpen Chop tool
Alt+VToggle ghost channels on/off
Alt+WOpen Claw Machine tool
Alt+XOpen Scale Levels tool
Alt+YOpen Score Flipper tool
Alt+Mouse WheelChange the selected note property of the note the mouse pointer is near or on
Alt+Arrow KeysNudge the position of the selected notes or all notes if no selection is made
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+BDuplicate selection, or all notes in zoom range if nothing is selected, to the right (works also with time line selections)
Ctrl+CCopy selection
Ctrl+DDeselect selection
Ctrl+GGlue selected and touching notes
Ctrl+IInsert current controller value
Ctrl+LQuick legato
Ctrl+MImport MIDI file
Ctrl+QQuick quantize
Ctrl+UQuick chop
Ctrl+VPaste selection
Ctrl+XCut selection
Ctrl+Alt+GGrid color
Shift+EnterFlip separator (since program version 11.5.8)
Ctrl+Alt+HomeToggle allow resizing from left
Ctrl+DeleteDelete space equal to selection
Ctrl+EnterSelect time around selection
Ctrl+InsertInsert space equal to the current time line selection
Ctrl+Alt+InsertSlice & insert space (since program version 11.5.8)
Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightShift left/right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightRotate left/right (since program version 11.5.8)
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Arrow DownTranspose selection up/down 1 octave
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightSelect time before (left) or after (right) current selection
Ctrl+Left ClickSelect
Ctrl+Shift+Left ClickAdd to selection
Ctrl+Right ClickZoom on selection/Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)
DeleteDelete selected
Double Left Click (on note)Open note properties
Double Right Click / X1 Button (on ghost note)Swap to ghost channel to edit the note
Left Shift+Left Click (on Piano Roll)Add and resize notes (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize)
Left Shift+Right ClickPan view
Left Alt+Right ClickAudio preview
Middle Mouse ButtonPan view (hold and drag left/right)
PgUp/PgDnZoom in / Zoom out
Pencil tool + ShiftSwap to Brush
Right ClickDelete selected notes
Right Alt+Right ClickQuantize selected
Right Shift+Left ClickSlice notes (click above/below note and drag vertical)
Right Shift+Right ClickSlice notes & delete smallest part (click above/below note and drag vertical)
Shift+GGroup selected notes
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste from MIDI clipboard
ShiftTemporarily swaps between Paint & Draw modes
Shift+CSelect by color
Shift+OSelect odd (since program version 11.5.8)
Shift+DDiscard selected note lengths
Shift+GGroup selected
Shift+IInvert selection
Shift+NTurn off selected chord
Shift+QQuick quantize
Shift+RSelect at random (multiple presses will select more notes)
Shift+MSelect more at random (since program version 11.5.8)
Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove selection left/right
Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove selection up/down
Shift+Left ClickClone (drag while holding clip/pattern), release Shift after dragging to unlock vertical movement
Shift+Mouse Wheel (on clips)Nudge clip position
Shift+Mouse Wheel (on track label area)Reorder clip tracks
Shift+0 (zero)Center Playlist to playhead position
Shift+1.3Horizontal zoom levels 1 (zoom out) to 3 (zoom in)
Shift+4Horizontal zoom, show all
Shift+5Zoom to selection
Shift+6Step sequencer mode zoom (since program version 11.5.8)
Alt+TTime markers - Add one.. (since program version 11.5.8)
Ctrl+TTime markers - Add auto (since program version 11.5.8)

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Take a quick tour of FL Studio with Gary Hiebner who shares 5 of his favorite essential audio editing techniques for Image Line's FL Studio.

FL Studio has a very unique way of working with audio. It began as a pattern/sample editor but with its advancements, there are now numerous ways of working with audio in FL. They are quite different if you have come from other audio software. So let’s take a look at some essential quick ways of working with audio in FL Studio.

Tip 1 – Using Audio in the Pattern Editor

You can add an audio clip to the pattern editor and then inside this audio clip you can add an audio sample. To do this, go to Channel > Add One > Audio Clip.

This adds an audio clip to the pattern editor. Now let’s assign an audio clip to this channel. Click this clip to open the Channel Settings window, and on the channel settings window click on the folder to choose an audio file on your system to add this file to the clip. You’ll now see the audio file loaded into the Channel Settings window in the bottom.

Now place a beat on the pattern to trigger the audio file. Maybe you want to trigger the audio file on the 5th beat. This works great if you’re using audio effects, maybe like voice dialogue that you’d like to add into your tracks. And this is also a great way to build up your own unique drum kit. Add audio clips to the pattern editor and then add the drum audio samples to these clips. Make sure FL Studio is in Pattern Mode to hear the audio clip play back.

Tip 2 – Audio Tracks in the Playlist

Let’s look at how to add audio files into the playlist. You can drag an audio file straight onto an empty track in the playlist and it’ll be added. You’ll see FL updates the track with the audio waveform.

Or if you have audio in an audio clip like in the previous step, you can drag the audio file waveform on the bottom of the Channel Settings window onto an empty playlist track as well, and it’ll add the audio file.

Tip 3 – To Snap or Not Snap your Audio

The Audio clips will snap to the grid on the Playlist view. If you don’t want them to snap, then go to the snap menu and choose None. The snapping is great if you want to arrange audio clips like drums to a grid pattern, but if you working with something like vocals you want to move this audio around more freely Under the moon otome game download english.

Tip 4 – Using Edison as an Audio Recorder

The Edison plug-in can be used to record and edit your audio. First add Edison as an insert in the Mixer view. You can add it to any track, even the Master track. Make sure you’ve chosen an Input in the Mixer to record the audio.

Make sure to slave the tempo to your project so that when you play back your project it syncs up with the Edison player. With the row of buttons under the Edison name, click on the second button to enable it to slave the playback to the host.

The great thing about Edison is that you can view the audio waveform as it records. When you’ve finished recording, you can drag the audio file to your playlist by clicking and holding on the Drag/Copy Sample/Selection button (the second to last along the toolbar) and then drag this to a track in the Playlist

Tip 5 – Audio Editing with Edison

Edison can also be used to edit your audio. You can edit your recorded audio, or even add audio samples into the Edison sampler by either clicking on the first icon in the toolbar on Edison or choosing ‘Load Sample’, or you can even drag audio files onto Edison to load them into the sampler.

You can do the standard stuff, like making a selection on the audio, and then cutting this out of the audio waveform, or even copying it and pasting it elsewhere in the audio. Click on the Scissors tool icon to bring up the editing possibilities

But there’s some real handy audio editing effects under the Run tool. Navigate to FX and try out some of these effects on your audio. I really like the Destuctoid effect, to add saturation and bitcrushing to my audio.


That’s some handy audio editing techniques that you can use with your audio in FL Studio. So FL Studio does work slightly differently with audio compared to other audio software, but it does have a lot of flexibility and alternatives to the way that audio is handled. Try these techniques out in your next production.

For further FL Studio tips and techniques check out the following tutorials:

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