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I have an MKV with ASS subtitles and fonts embedded. If I play it in, eg MPC, it displays the subs perfectly, in the correct fonts.
If I use Avisynth and Textsub to display the ASS sub (extracted from the MKV); it uses a default font, probably Arial.
However, if I open the MKV at the same time and pause it, then when I play the AVS file it uses the correct fonts.
So evidently Haali media splitter (which icon pops up when playing the MKV in MPC) temporarily installs the fonts.
Is there a way to get Haali (or another utility) to just install the fonts from an MKV, without having to play the video, so other programs can use them correctly?
I could extract all the fonts and install them permanently in Windows, but I'd prefer an on demand method, so I don't load up my font menus with a lot of weird fonts I don't need otherwise.