Traspasing Juniper Bgp To Cisco 3,6/5 568 reviews

Here is a big difference on the way eBGP protocol behave on Cisco vs. On Cisco devices, the eBGP will send the prefixes, no matter of the peer ASN and it’s the task of the peer to apply the default policy when its own ASN is present in the AS-Path and deny the prefixes to be installed in the BGP table.

About This Document

This document provides a cheat sheet of commonly used troubleshooting commands used in Cisco and Juniper environments. The list is incomplete. Please send us a note if you want to contribute.


Cisco IOSJuniper JunOSDescription
show tech-supportrequest support info
request support information save /var/tmp/RSI.txt
file archive compress source RSI.txt destination RSI.txt.tgz
Gather support info for vendor’s TAC
show hardwareshow chassis hardwareShow hardware-related info
show versionshow system uptimeShow system’s uptime
show processes cpu
show processes cpu sorted
show processes cpu history
show chassis routing-engine
show system processes extensive
show system threads
Verify CPU Utilization
show processes memory
show memory summary
show system processes extensive
show task memory detail
Verify Memory Utilization
dir bootflash:show system core-dumpsCheck for crash files / core dumps
dirfile listShow directory structure
show system storageVerify available storage space
show usersshow system usersList connected users
clear line Xrequest system logout user ABCDisconnect user
start shellEnter Unix Shell
monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/1Monitor traffic on the interface (will not show transit packets)
monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/1 write-file test.pcapWrite control pacets into pcap file
show snmp mib walk . SNMP OID directly on a router
request system software rollbackRequest to the previous software version

L3 Routing

Static, Connected Routes and Routing Table

Cisco IOSJuniper JunOSDescription
show ip routeshow routeShow routing table
show ip cefshow route forwarding-tableShow forwarding table
show ip route connectedshow route protocol directShow directly connected (attached) routes
show ip route staticshow route protocol staticShow static routes
show route hiddenShow hidden routes. Invalid route, e.g. route with unreachable next-hop will be marked as hidden


Cisco IOSJuniper JunOSDescription
show ip bgp summaryshow bgp summaryShow summary view of BGP neighbors
show ip bgp neighbor A.A.A.A advertisedshow route advertising-protocol bgp A.A.A.ACheck routes advertised towards a peer
show ip bgp neighbor A.A.A.A receivedshow route receive-protocol bgp A.A.A.ACheck routes received from a peer
show ip bgpshow route protocol bgpCheck BGP routes


show clns interfaceshow isis interfaceshow isis interfaceShow IS-IS enabled interfaces
show clns neighborsshow isis adjacencyshow isis adjacencyShow protocol adjacencies
show clns trafficshow isis statisticsshow isis statisticsIS-IS statistics
show isis databaseshow isis databaseshow isis databaseBrief Database Information
show isis database verboseshow isis database verboseshow isis database extensiveDetailed Database Information
show ip route isisshow route isisshow route protocol isisIS-IS learned routes
show isis adjacency-log

show isis error-log

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IS-IS historical information